Norwich Peace Camp

and Peace Cycle

Norwich Stop the War Coalition

Committee meeting Jurnet’s Bar Wensum Lodge 7.30pm Wednesday 14th July  (apologies for late change of date) interested people welcome to come along

Art of Living

 United Reform Church, Princes’ Street, Norwich, 6.30-9pm, £5 Intro to Health and Happiness course. Change your very outlook on Happiness through breathing, yoga,meditation and Practical Wisdom The workshop brings harmony between your inner self and outer experience. Contact and register – 07862 218495,

Thursday 15th July, Transition Cafe from 7pm

�  The White Lion, 73 Oak Street, NR3 3AQ The next TN cafe is going to try a new venue because the Workshop is so noisy that it’s difficult to talk as a group. So do join us at The White Lion, 73 Oak Street, NR3 3AQ, on the corner with the inner ring road. […]

Monday 12th July, Heart and Soul

 7.30 The Bicycle Shop, St. Benedict’s Street Patient Urgency and Urgent Patience: a Heart & Soul Talking Circle. The evening will take the form of a short presentation with some poetry, followed by a talking circle and a summing-up/going forth exercise. Contact: Liz on 07951 928877

Friday 9th July, Transition Circle Hethersett, 7pm

We are inviting people from Hethersett to come to a free series of four discussions which aim to help people reduce their carbon footprint. The topics will be – Direct energy, Transport, Food, Embodied energy/waste. The discussions will be for about 10 people and will explore carbon reduction for households and will exchange information about […]

Mile Cross Festival, Sloughbottom Park, July 3rd 12-5pm

 Hi everyone, Greenpeace are running a stall at the Mile Cross festival in Sloughbottom Park this Saturday (3 July). This will focus on the BP tar sands campaign and also on trying to rercruit more people to the local Greenpeace group. I need help with manning the stall, which runs from 12 – 5pm, so […]

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