Vigil for peace, stop bombing Iraq and Syria
Haymarket Norwich Sunday September 28th midday to 2pm all welcome, bring placards and banners
Peace One Day
Sunday 21st September United Nations International Day of Peace and Global Day of Action on Climate Change On 23rd September global leaders will be meeting in New York for the Climate Summit organised by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Without stopping climate change we can’t have peace 12.30 – 1.30pm SILENT VIGIL Sunday 21st September […]
Celebration of Diversity
Theme: Norfolk African Community Association-African allotment and African Heritage Exchanges. Celebration of Diversity. Date: Saturday 13 September 2014 Venue: Bluebell South at NACA Organic African Allotments Entrance next to 76 The Avenues, … more » 11am – 4.30pm 13th September 2014 Bluebell allotments south
Burston Strike Rally
Celebrating the longest and successful strike in British History Burston near Diss Norfolk please do come along if you can many stalls, unions and many others March Speakers and refreshments in a lovely country setting Sunday 7th September