Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle 2024

Posted on | May 24, 2024 | No Comments

Time: 11:00am til 2:30pm

Date: Saturday 15 June, 2024

Location: Octagon Room, St Peter Mancroft church

This year’s Norwich Peace Camp and Peace Cycle will take place at the Octagon Room in St Peter Mancroft church, opposite the Forum.

The event will include stalls, children’s activities, a climate camp and more.

The peace cycle will set off at noon. Please arrive by 11:45 if you would like to take part.

Peace Camp: Saturday, 8th October 2022

Posted on | September 27, 2022 | No Comments

Peace Camp banner in front of Forum

The Forum, Norwich
9am to 4pm. Free entry. Open to all.

Norwich Peace Camp began as an idea, partly inspired by the International Peace Cycle, to bring together local peace, community, faith, environmental, charity and other groups and organisations for an event in the Norwich Forum. The first ever Norwich Peace Camp was in July 2006 and took up just one quarter of the atrium of the Forum. Since then it has expanded each year to include many more members and for 2010 the entire atrium has been booked

All through the year and often for many years these organisations have campaigned locally, nationally and sometimes internationally to further the cause of peace, justice and better understanding and to address key issues and concerns which face us locally and in the world as a whole.

All too often they have been branded as being too idealistic, eccentric, divided or out of touch with ‘mainstream’ thinking, while in fact they are inherently interconnected and have spoken up for and advocated values and principles which are of universal and also specific importance and which are necessary for our well-being, mutual co-operation and continued survival.

It is our belief that peace is essential, is worth striving for, that peace matters and that it is achievable.

Peace Camp from its outset has had as its focus the Middle East and especially Jerusalem and the land around it. In doing so we are not attempting to be in any way exclusive, but rather to say that Jerusalem is at the heart and that if there is peace there then there can be peace in the whole world, and that if there is not the entire world suffers from the lack of it.

Peace Camp recognises that peace is not only outward, but inward also and that people’s understanding of it, as well as approaches to it, may vary according to their own beliefs or perspectives. We recognise also that there are those who argue that history has been one of conflict and cannot be otherwise. Our invitation therefore is not limited only to those who agree with a narrow definition, but to anyone who wishes to engage in dialogue, to have their own views heard and to learn from those of others as well.


Posted on | June 1, 2022 | No Comments

The Lord Mayor and Mayoress of Norwich dedicated a newly planted Olive Tree in Chapelfield Park on behalf of Mayors for Peace.

Norwich City joined the organisation in 2003 and Mayor Kevin Maguire gave a speech to a gathered crowd from Norwich peace activists. Also present were Committee members of the Norwich Peace Camp, and family members close to Shan Barclay, who was responsible for initiating the annual Peace Camp and commemorating the Olive Tree to Mayors for Peace.

The Mayor officially opens the annual Peace Camp to be held this year at the Forum on Saturday 8th October 2022.

More images can be found here

Peace, мир, pokój, pace

Posted on | May 3, 2022 | No Comments

Bring & Share Meal for our Norfolk Ukrainian Speaking Community.

Newly arrived refugees are warmly welcome 12:30 -15:30 Sunday 22nd May 2022

All Friends welcome. Kitchen available. Bring love.

Vigil for Peace in Europe

Posted on | March 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Vigil for Peace in Europe

Peace vigil's are held on the 1st Saturday of each month

Vigil for Peace in Europe

12 midday – 1pm

Saturday 2nd April 2022

Outside St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich

Bring banners, petitions and love.

All welcome who are in harmony with our vision of peace

Vigil for Peace in Europe

Posted on | February 22, 2022 | No Comments

Here are the details for the next Vigil for Peace:
12 midday – 1pm, Saturday 5th March 2022 outside St. Peter Mancroft Church.

Press Release:

Given the recent and terrible events in Eastern Europe; the Russian invasion of Ukraine and NATOs unhelpful ‘muscle flexing’, Norwich Peace remain concerned for the welfare of the vulnerable civilian population – the men women and children of Ukraine and all victims of military conflict. Mindful of these concerns, Norwich Peace continue to serve as a collective witness for Peace, and hope for de-escalation and conflict resolution in Eastern Europe.

Norwich Peace will continue our monthly Vigils for Peace outside Saint Peter Mancroft Church, 12 midday – 1pm on the 1st Saturday of each month. Our Vigils are often attended by Amnesty International, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Women’s International League for Peace and Norwich Quakers.

The next Vigil for Peace will focus on Peace in Eastern Europe and will be held at 12 midday – 1pm Saturday 5th March 2022 outside SPM Church. The annual Norwich Peace Camp ( a peace and community event) will be held in the Forum on 8th October 2022.

In Peace,


Shan Barclay

Posted on | January 27, 2022 | 2 Comments

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Shan (Sean) Barclay, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Shan passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of Wednesday 26th January 2022. Shan was laid to rest at Earlham cemetery on the 28th January.

Shan’s genius was to bring together community groups and organisations under the umbrella of peace, most noticeably at the annual Peace Camp gatherings held in the Forum each summer. He will be dearly missed. Shan’s memory and good leadership live on in our hearts.

Obituary from Norwich Interfaith

If you wish to remember Shan, you may donate to one of his favourite causes:

Remembrance Sunday

Posted on | November 6, 2021 | No Comments

There will be a laying of a wreath of white and red poppies at 12.30 on Remembrance Sunday (Nov 14th 2021), organised by Norwich Quakers. We will meet at the peace memorial (back side of the war memorial) opposite of City Hall and will hold a short vigil for all victims of war. After that a wreath will be laid at the war memorial.
All individuals and groups from Peace Camp and other supporters of peace are warmly invited to join the vigil. Attenders are encouraged to bring a poem or short reading of peace and remembrance to the vigil.
In Friendship & Peace

NPC&PC event

Posted on | September 29, 2021 | No Comments

The 15th NPC&PC went ahead successfully last Saturday

despite many challenges, not least from COVID.

It was well attended and we had the honour of

the attendance too of Both Mayor and Sheriff.

The number of participating organisations was down

but quality made up for quantity.

Everything as such went according to plan

and it was generally felt to have been worthwhile

All participants deserve full credit and both Forum

and the Civic Office for their assistance too.

Peace is achievable

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | September 29, 2021 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle Event 2021

Posted on | September 14, 2021 | No Comments

Taking full precautions and acknowledging

the constraints of anti-Coronavirus measures,

Currently the 15th NPC&PC event is going ahead

on Saturday 25th September 2021 at the Forum.

This will be our 15th and we all hope that

it may be able to go ahead smoothly.

This is as near as we could get to UN Peace Day

International Day of Peace | United Nations

Our theme this year shall be healing

Official opening by Lord Mayor at 11am

Peace Cycle departs from amphitheatre at noon, started by the Sheriff.

Bike Doctor, children’s activities, charity and music. Inter-active participation welcomed.

Please come along if you can

Peace is achievable

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | August 4, 2021 | No Comments

You are invited to attend the next peace vigil which will honour the civilian victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in 1945.
12:00 midday to 13:00Saturday 7th August 2021outside St. Peter Mancroft Church
Please feel free to bring your banners and messages of peace. Representatives from the Norwich Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) will bring a petition calling for Britain to abandon the Trident Nuclear Submarine programme.
We particularly welcome individuals and groups in harmony with the vision and spirit of the Peace Movement. 
In peace,
Paul & Shan.

A day to remember

Posted on | July 21, 2021 | No Comments

International Day of Peace | United Nations

please put this one in your diaries

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | June 29, 2021 | No Comments

Do please attend if you can.
Bring peace, love and wellbeing

and feel free to come and go as you please.

Norwich Vigil for peace

Posted on | May 29, 2021 | No Comments

Find attached the latest poster for the Norwich Vigil for Peace.  12 midday – 12.30pm Saturday 5th June 2021.
Shan and I have negotiated, with St. Peter Mancroft, ‘permission’ to hold Peace Vigils on the 1st Saturday of each month, and in harmony with Norfolk Constabulary. Norfolk police have advised Norwich Peace to be covid-safe which means 30 people max wearing face masks and socially distanced.
Please feel free to bring along petitions, fliers and banners that communicate a spirit of peace & community love. If you are in harmony with our collective vison, do feel free to attend. Please note the primary focus of our monthly vigils are Peace (in the community).  
Hope to see you all on the day.
Paul & Shan6 years of vigils outside St Peter Mancroft 🙂 

NPC&PC welcomes ceasefire

Posted on | May 21, 2021 | No Comments

However this is insufficient to establishing sustainable peace

which must respect full rights for Palestinians

and Palestine

including freedom, justice

and the right of return.
There must also be a complete end to demolitions

and theft of land.
This is what international law states.
In this way Jews, Christians and Muslims

and all inhabitants of the

historic land of Palestine

may be able to live together in peace and security

as it should be.

NPC&PC deplores Israeli aggression

Posted on | May 18, 2021 | No Comments

Unwarranted attack on Gaza which has already killed over 200 innocent Palestinians, many of them women and children

must stop immediately

UN should also take immediate control

Stop the killing stop the lies

no more bloodshed

the bombing must end

Nuclear war is collective suicide

Posted on | April 14, 2021 | No Comments

Nae nukes here, this is a nuclear free zone

ICAN – International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (

No WWlll

Posted on | April 13, 2021 | No Comments

The world cannot afford

another world war

the world needs peace

and it is our duty to ensure that it presides forever

over all forms of jingoism, falsehood and injustice.

Peace is the great jewel from on high

we must not sacrifice it on the altar of destruction and death

We’ve arrived next stage to finally eliminate them forever

Posted on | January 21, 2021 | No Comments

Please help out by joining:

January 22nd 2021 shall go down in history

as the day on which nuclear tyranny came to an end.
The long awaited and painstakingly assembled

Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons TPNW

becomes law, being a massive landmark

in the history of the anti-war movement

and something that so many have yearned for

for so long.

Please join:

There is an online get together that you can

attend on that day too by searching the site.

Something at last to celebrate

News Flash

Posted on | December 25, 2020 | No Comments

Sanity prevails.


The day is rapidly approaching for this

motion to become binding in law.

Please make a note of 22nd January 2021

further updates to come.
The next stage is to bring the nuclear powers down

so they agree to abandon their illegal arsenals

of mass death and destruction

and hand them all over to be totally decomishioned


It was officially announced last night

that the UN motion which has been so painstakingly

been put together over many years,

to banish all nuclear weapons forever,

has attained the critical number of 50 states

who have now ratified.
Therefore in 90 days this will become binding

on all member states, including the

world’s 9 nuclear armed powers.

please see:

This is truly wonderful news and could mean also

that all the wasted money put into making and maintaining these

could be redirected to end world poverty

and address the environmental disaster

we are now surrounded by.
Let’s not stop there, let’s banish all war

of all forms as well.

Nuclear free zone

Posted on | December 11, 2020 | No Comments

Nae nukes here

Scientists welcome Key Milestone for nuclear weapons ban Treaty

Posted on | October 26, 2020 | No Comments

UN international Day of Peace

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | No Comments,ever%20that%20we%20are%20not%20each%20other%E2%80%99s%20enemies.

Please visit at any time

Peace Vigil Norwich September 2020

Posted on | September 16, 2020 | No Comments

Hiroshima Day

Posted on | August 4, 2020 | No Comments

75 year anniversary of atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima,  destructive power still multiplying

11.02 on Thursday 6th August Marks 75 years since the ‘never to be used’ atomic bomb devastated Hiroshima.CND invites you to commemorate the occasion safely with a socially distanced vigil at the Peace Memorialfrom 10.45 to 11.15 to mark the first atomic bomb drop at 11.02.   The Peace Memorial is behind the better known War Memorial,facing the Memorial Garden and market. There are also many online events for those unable to attend in person, listed on CNDUK website. This is part of Global  Peace Wave, first seen in 1987.The organisers of the World Conference have called for another Peace Wave this year, with the following statement:“Let us make the Peace Wave a tremendous campaign by which the anti-nuclear movements, in cooperation with all other movements demanding cuts in military expenditure, protection of human lives, livings and jobs, gender equality and other vital needs, will take the lead in establishing a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world.” 

 Local (Green Party) councillor Lesley Grahame said:    ‘The appropriate response to a massacre anywhere is ‘Never again’.  However since dropping the first atomic bomb 75 years ago, governments of all shades have instead been spending eye-watering sums of money to multiply their capacity for mass destruction.  Just replacing Trident is estimated to take £205 billion of our money away from vital services, while the NHS, local government, schools struggle to cope without sufficient funding, and food poverty leaves many worrying about the end of the week as well as the end of the world.’ Successive UK governments have claimed to support multi-lateral disarmament, but have refused to join the negotiations for multilateral disarmament enshrined in the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.In the latest release of the MoD’s major projects data, the Amber/Red rating given to the Core Production Capability project at Rolls-Royce in Derby has been justified on the basis that delays in reactor core production could slow down progress in building nuclear-armed Dreadnought submarines. This is the first time the MoD have officially acknowledged this risk, and in Norwich we might reasonably ask whether Sizewell performs a similar function in fuelling mass destruction, and putting local and not-so-local residents at risk.  Norwich City Council is among  hundreds of cities, local and regional bodies all around the world that have spoken out in support of the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapans through the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons’  Cities Appeal.Britain has 200 nuclear weapons, 120 are ready to use, each one estimated to deliver 100 kilotons, compared with the 15 kilotons that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  

Sue Wright is taking up CND’s Origami Crane Challenge to create 75 origami cranes to raise money for CND. You can sponsor her by donating through or by phoning 07508 778 357. She will be displaying these  raising a glass for peace at Pull’s Ferry on Riverside Walk (opposite the Yacht Station), on Sunday 9th August at 6pm. This is the anniversary of the United States’  second atomic bomb drop on Nagasaki. 

   Contact:  Lesley Grahame 07711 298214 Photo-opportunity  11am Thursday 6th August, Memorial Garden  Further information There are online events here:Hiroshima and Nagasaki CND exhibition: Events – admits problems at Rolls-Royce could delay Dreadnought | Nuclear Information Service


Posted on | June 29, 2020 | No Comments

This is to confirm that for the first time in 14 years

the NPC&PC event has regretably had to be

cancelled owing to precautions necessitated

by the Coronovirus pandemic.

We are hoping that nevertheless a get together

of members may be possible in some way

and also maybe a modest Peace Cycle

to mark UN Peace Day 21st September.

More news will be available nearer the time.

A sign of hope and reassurance in these very difficult times:

Posted on | April 18, 2020 | No Comments

Peace and goodwill to all

Corona virus

Posted on | April 9, 2020 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle commends all those, especially in NHS

who are doing everything they can to bring the Corona virus under control. This is a whole world issue, no one is totally unaffected.

We need complete international co-operation at all levels and and a final end to war forever. Enough is enough, too many have died and suffered over so many years in a futile attempt to be all powerful. The UN General Secretary very recently called for a global ceasefire, this should be honoured by all immediately. Once Corona virus is overcome, and we will overcome it as previous plagues and calamities also, we must finally learn the lessons that we cannot continue destroying ourselves and our beautiful earth on the altar of war. If we wish to survive and for those yet to come especially we owe this as a minimum out of respect to our better destiny and especially for those who are poor, downtrodden, disenfranchised and abused, all this has to end

or there will be no future at all for anyone.
Give Peace a Chance

For good, authoritative and sound information please goto:

Not in our name…

Posted on | April 9, 2020 | No Comments

For something different and bringing memories back

by local Norwich artist James Frost:

please select Not in Our Name

and Peace

Medecins Sans Frontieres

Posted on | February 7, 2020 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

It is time to tell you about our February UNA LunchBox talk.  The talk will take place on Friday 21st February at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW.  Our talk this month will be about the activities of that wonderful organistation: Medecins Sans Frontiers (MSF).  Medical teams from MSF act fast to save peoples lives in conflict zones, natural disasters and epidemics in over 65 countries around the world.

On any given day, there are over 30,000 inspiring doctors, nurses, logisticians and other project staff working for MSF overseas.  Our UK office is responsible for 300 staff and many of them are happy to share their stories once they have returned home.   And this is the case with our speaker today, Christopher Peskett.

Christopher is a Registered General Nurse who has worked in the field for over 10 years, in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.  He had a variety of roles: nursing manager, research coordinator, medical team leader and project coordinator.  No one could be better equipped to give us a valuable insight into the activities of Medecins Sans Frontiers.  Don’t miss it!

best wishes,

Marguerite Finn

UNA Norwich

Worldwide day of action, No war on Iran

Posted on | January 23, 2020 | No Comments

Here in Norwich England, Please come to City Hall steps midday.
Speakers, music and solidarity
with Iran and all peace-loving people and nations.
Don’t let Iran be sacrificed on the altar of war.

Psst! Here’s a secret. Don’t tell anybody, but public pressure has been key to preventing a U.S. war on Iran in 2015, 2012, 2007, and each time the urgent demand to start this war has been pressed on us. Nobody creates holidays to celebrate wars that didn’t happen, but they are the only wars worth celebrating. And knowing they’ve been prevented from happening can motivate some people to help prevent another one.

January 25 is a worldwide day of nonviolent activism to prevent a U.S. war on Iran . . . again!

A huge number of organizations are joining in.

You can find and/or add events to the rapidly growing list of planned demonstrations at CODE PINK or ANSWER.

Make sure your January 25th event, like all your events, is listed on the World BEYOND War Events Map.

Get shirts and sweatshirts to wear to your events.

Bring flyers to hand out and signup sheets to gather signatures on.

Learn more about the dangerof this war.

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement – support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

Privacy policy.
Checks must be made out to “World BEYOND War / AFGJ” or we can’t deposit them.

Opening statement of UN Charter

Posted on | January 12, 2020 | No Comments

In these war-torn and very dangerous times, let’s remember this:

Charter of the United Nations: 1945

“We the peoples of the United Nations Determined:

To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reafirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights or men and women and of nations large and small,
and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life
in larger freedom “

NPC&PC is against all forms of extra-judicial killing

Posted on | January 5, 2020 | No Comments

“Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet – The Role of the United Nations”.

Posted on | January 1, 2020 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year !  It is time to tell you about the next UNA Lunchbox talk on Friday 17 January 2020 at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House in Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW.

Our speaker will be Lee Adamson, Head of Information Services, Legal Affairs and External Relations Division at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) – an agency of the UN.

But although safety at sea was and remains IMO’s most important responsibility, a new problem began to emerge – pollution. The growth in the amount of oil being transported by sea and in the size of oil tankers was of particular concern and the Torrey Canyon disaster of 1967, in which 120,000 tonnes of oil was spilled, demonstrated the scale of the problem.

During the next few years IMO introduced a series of measures designed to prevent tanker accidents and to minimize their consequences. It also tackled the environmental threat caused by routine operations such as the cleaning of oil cargo tanks and the disposal of engine room wastes – in tonnage terms a bigger menace than accidental pollution.

The title of Lee’s talk will be “Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet – The Role of the United Nations”.

Lee will talk about what the IMO does and how the 171 member countries work together on matters like ship design, crew training and environmental matters. He will also talk about IMO’s work helping developing countries build the capacity to meet their obligations under international treaties.

This is a timely and important topic and I hope that as many people as possible will come to hear it.

Peace on Earth

Posted on | December 20, 2019 | No Comments

The bomb

Posted on | December 14, 2019 | No Comments

What a monumental waste of money, resources and energy.

Please visit

for something better and more rational

Palestine fundraising supper

Posted on | October 24, 2019 | No Comments

please come along if you can

Laying of the White Poppy Wreath

Posted on | October 23, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are invited to the annual laying of the White Poppy Wreath.

At 12.30pm on Sunday 10th November 12.30pm: Norwich Peace memorial in front of the Council House. 

We will gather at the memorial, invite young people and children to lay the wreath and hold all victims of war in the Light.

Bring and share lunch at the Friends Meeting House. Tea and coffee will be provided.

People of all faiths, and none, are welcome.

In peace, in light, in love

ICAN, please visit

Posted on | September 30, 2019 | No Comments

CND Symbol in Norwich

Posted on | September 30, 2019 | No Comments

(Update and reminder ) NB Norwich City Council has voted to support the ICAN initiative to ban all nuclear weapons forever

Photo by Clive Fudge

moments of peace

Posted on | September 16, 2019 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp 2019 :-)

Posted on | August 31, 2019 | No Comments

All welcome

UN International day of peace

Posted on | August 23, 2019 | No Comments


Posted on | August 8, 2019 | No Comments


12 noon – 1pm

Saturday 7th September 2019

outside St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich

This vigil is hosted by our friends from

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | June 21, 2019 | No Comments

…all welcome…

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle

Posted on | June 2, 2019 | No Comments

21st September same day as UN Peace Day

Official opening by Mayor or Sheriff 11am

Peace Cycle starts midday from amphitheatre

Please bring your bike 11am if you wish to participate

Refreshments and Bike Docter Healthchecks 10-3pm

Something for everyone

Please also visit:

“The United Kingdom’s Nuclear Weapons Programme – Past, Present and Future”

Posted on | April 26, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends, it is time to alert you to the next UNA LunchBox talk which will take place at 1pm on Friday 17th May 2019 at the Friends Meeting House in Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW.

The talk will be given by Dr Suzanne Doyle who will talk about “The United Kingdom’s Nuclear Weapons Programme – Past, Present and Future”.

Dr Suzanne Doyle is a Lecturer in International Relations in the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies at UEA.

Suzanne’s research focuses on the US-UK nuclear relationship. She completed her PhD on the United Kingdom’s purchase of the US Trident missile system. Her wider research interests include nuclear history, transatlantic relations, US and British defence policy, security studies and the Cold War.  She is currently working on a monograph analysing the UK’s purchase of Trident missiles from the United States.

At a time when the UK is considering upgrading our Trident Missiles at great price, this is an important and timely talk.

best wishes,


Vice Chair UNA (Norwich & District)

Let’s aim to be carbon neutral by 2025′

Posted on | April 18, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends,
This Friday, 19th April, by the ‘Brain’ sculpture in Hay Hill, 10.30am to 11.30am, Juliet Wimhurst and I will be holding ‘Let’s aim to be carbon neutral by 2025’ posters and would welcome anyone else who would like to join us with posters/banners.

Many thanks,
Ann Ray

Friends of the Earth versus EDF

Posted on | April 6, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends,   We are meeting a week earlier this month because of Good Friday.  We meet on Friday 12 April in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2  1EW. Our speaker will speak at 1pm sharp.  

We’re very lucky to have Rachel Fulcher to talk to us this month, for she is the coordinator of Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth (FOE), which is involved in a mammoth struggle with EDF Energy over whether another two nuclear reactors should by plonked down on the eroding Suffolk coast or not.

To hear from a Non-Governmental Organisation like FOE is also valuable for the United Nations Association. The UN has an unfortunate glitch among its agencies, as since 1959 two of the UN agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organisation, have had a binding agreement with each other to limit any bad news that gets out about nuclear power. The IAEA is the stronger body, reporting to the Security Council while the WHO reports to the General Assembly, and the IAEA’s mission is very clearly to promote nuclear power. If Sizewell is going to cost even more than it already will, to keep the sea out, we’re only likely to hear about it in advance from an independent NGO.

More generally, the Suffolk Sandlings are home to many species already endangered by us, so the additional risks to them of both climate change and human technology are things we should ponder on.

Hope to see you at this timely and important talk.

Best wishes,


“UN Peacekeeping – the Reality”

Posted on | March 9, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends,   It is time to tell you about our next UNA LunchBox talk.  It will be at 1pm on Friday 15th March 2019 at the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2  1EW. The talk will be given by Ronald Quejas-Risdon and Philippa Blake-Roberts and is entitled “UN Peacekeeping – the Reality”..   The UN Peacekeeping does not always enjoy good publicity so it will be good to hear from sombody with first hand experience.  Ronald Quejas-Risdon is now retired from being an administration officer with UN Department of Peacekeeping Operation. He joined in 1993. He has travelled a lot and served in the Middle East, Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan among others.   Do please come and hear about the reality of UN Peacekeeping.   best wishes,   Marguerite Vice Chair UNA (Norwich & District)

Women Together for Peace: Vigil to Celebrate International Women’s Day.

Posted on | February 25, 2019 | No Comments

Sat 2 March 2019 12.00 – 1.00.

All welcome, particularly women.
St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich

Welcome from the Sheriff, Ros Brown

Hosted by Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom

‘The Idea of Europe: Revisiting a Long Story’

Posted on | February 22, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

Together with Dr Matthew D’Auria, a colleague from the School of History,
Dr  Jan Vermeiren is going to launch the Institute for the Study of Ideas
Europe (ISIE) on Wednesday, 27 February, at 5pm. Prof Rolf Petri from the
University of Venice has kindly agreed to give the keynote lecture on ‘The Idea of Europe: Revisiting a Long Story’. The event will take place in Arts
2.02 and will be followed by a reception on the fourth floor of the Arts 2
building (canapés and wine).

The Institute and the launch event are sponsored by the British Academy
(Rising Star Engagement Award). Our aim is to promote the interdisciplinary
study of concepts, images, and discourses of Europe and to facilitate
international collaboration in this important and very topical field of
research. We are very excited about ISIE and look forward to celebrating
its launch with you. The event is free of charge.

With all best wishes,

Marguerite Finn
UNA (Norwich & District)

“Britain and Europe – the Continental Perspective”

Posted on | February 9, 2019 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

It is time to tell you about the next UNA LunchBox talk on 15th February 2019 at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich. Our speaker will be Dr Jan Vermeiren who is a Senior Lecturer in the School of History at UEA.

The title of the talk will be  “Britain and Europe – the Continental Perspective”  which is a very topical subject at the moment with Brexit just a few weeks away.

Dr Vermeiren’s research interests cover a number of areas in German and European history in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. He is particularly interested in the history of German nationalism and geopolitical thought and questions of European integration. 

This is a very important and relevant topic and I hope as many people as possible will come to hear it.

Best wishes,

Marguerite Finn

Vice Chair UNA (Norwich & District)

Norwich PSC AGM

Posted on | February 7, 2019 | No Comments

Stop press

Posted on | January 31, 2019 | No Comments

Climate Peace

Posted on | January 28, 2019 | No Comments

all welcome

Please visit this link

Posted on | January 27, 2019 | No Comments

Peace Cranes

Posted on | January 27, 2019 | No Comments

Origami 3.jpg

NPC&PC event

Posted on | January 11, 2019 | No Comments

Dear everyone

may peace be with you

just to say that last year’s 13th annual NPC&PC event passed off successfully

attendance was good

The Mayor’s visit to open the event officially and also start the Peace Cycle 

was very welcome

the contribution from the many participating organisations was commendable and we thank everyone who came along to visit

Our next event is already booked for 21st September 2019 exactly the same as UN International Peace Day

so we really hope that our message

Peace is Achievable will reach and embrace everyone on that day

The Peace Dividend

Posted on | December 19, 2018 | No Comments

Please visit this link to find out more about it

Monthly peace vigil

Posted on | December 17, 2018 | No Comments

All welcome
Vigil for Peace
12 midday – 1pm 
Saturday 5th January 2019
St. Peter Mancroft

Love * banners * petitions

Vigil 4 Peace

Posted on | November 30, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

This months peace vigil is given to Norwich Amnesty International, who will collect signatures protesting the UK’s arming of Saudi Arabia.

11am – 1pm
Saturday 1st December 2018
outside St. Peter Mancroft Church

Bring love and banners 

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Posted on | November 6, 2018 | No Comments





Campaign: November issue
As we commemorate Remembrance Day, we should take the opportunity to reflect on how deadly future wars could be, as well as remembering the horrors of past ones. Read more about this issue in November’s edition of Campaign magazine. You can also read about Trump’s latest disastrous decision – to withdraw the US from a treaty that’s keeping nuclear missiles out of Europe.

Read Campaign: November edition
Download Campaign: November edition

In peace,
Sara Medi Jones
Campaign editor

Monthly peace vigil

Posted on | October 29, 2018 | No Comments

Outbreak of Peace in Norwich City centre
12 midday – 1pm
St. Peter Mancroft Church

All welcome 

“ChChile-Chilly-Chilli – Fair Trade in South America and the difference it makes”.

Posted on | October 27, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends,
On Friday 16 November 2018 at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House in Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW, Mrs FDear Friends,
On Friday 16 November 2018 at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House in Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW, Mrs Frances Middleton will give an illustrated talk entitled: “Chile-Chilly-Chilli – Fair Trade in South America and the difference it makes”. Read more

“Language as a human right”

Posted on | October 4, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

This is a gentle reminder that this year’s UNA David Roberts Memorial Lecture will take place in the Auditorium at the Forum at 11am on Saturday 13th October 2018.

The lecture will be given by Professor Joanna Drugan and she will talk about “Language as a human right”

Joanna Drugan is Professor of Translation in the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies at the University of East Anglia. She is a member of the Translating, Interpreting and Border-Crossing
Research group and she currently leads the Transnational Organised Crime and Translation research project.

In our multi-cultural world, the ethics of language translation and interpretation are growing ever more important and Joanna will discuss the human rights aspect.

Do come and hear a talk on this fascinating subject. Coffee/tea will be served from 10.30am.

Best wishes,
Vice Chair UNA (Norwich & District)

Outbreak of peace in Norwich….

Posted on | September 17, 2018 | No Comments

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | September 16, 2018 | No Comments

All Welcome

Monthly Vigil for Peace

12 midday – 1pm

Saturday 6th October 2018

St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich

Welcome to 13th annual Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle do come along if you possibly can and bring your friends as well

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | No Comments

Please click on the link below

A4 COLOUR poster

“The John Aves Education Project – a ray of hope in Palestine today”

Posted on | September 7, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

This is a gentle reminder of UNA’s next LunchBox talk at 1pm on Friday 21st September 2018 at the Friends Meeting House in Upper Goat Lane NR2 1EW. The talk will be given by Anne Aves and she will talk about
“The John Aves Education Project – a ray of hope in Palestine today”.

This is the continuing story of a grassroots project that funds young people from the Dheisheh Palestinian Refugee Camp in Bethlehem to study for an undergraduate degree at Al Quds University in East Jerusalem. Read more

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle 2018

Posted on | September 3, 2018 | 2 Comments

Investing in Peace

Our event this year is on Saturday 22/9/2018
only one day after UN International Day of Peace , Peace One Day

as usual at Norwich Forum 9-4pm

Peace is priceless yet relatively costs very little and with immeasurable returns.

War achieves nothing and is vastly expensive

with no returns except bancruptcy, destruction, death, injury, orphans, refugees and injustice

the only ‘beneficiaries’ are arms manufacturers and traders

and these gain nothing either. Read more

CND Symbol in Norwich

Posted on | August 12, 2018 | No Comments

The Iconic Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament symbol came to Norwich on 10th and 11th August

and was well received including by our Mayor

who is a Mayor for Peace

Photos by Clive Fudge

CND Symbol coming to Norwich

Posted on | August 9, 2018 | No Comments

On Friday 10th August and Saturday 11th we have the honour of the touring Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Symbol coming to our city,

first to Chapelfield Park near the Peace Pillar and then to St Peter Mancroft Church

please come by to help out or visit


also see:

The logic of peace is greater than lesser poverties

Posted on | August 7, 2018 | No Comments

On January 20, 1945 The U.S. President, Roosevelt received a 40 age document detailing Japan’s surrender and a chance to end WWII. Roosevelt ignored this offer and dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki & Hiroshima. Details here: The logic of peace is greater than lesser poverties. 

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | July 30, 2018 | No Comments

You are all invited to the next peace vigil. This will be followed by a Meal for Peace in the Friends Meeting House.
Vigil for Peace
12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 4th August 2018
outside St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich.
Bring banners, petitions & love.
Meal for Peace & fundraising event (bring and share).
Friends Meeting House, Norwich NR2 1EW 
Bring food to share. A hat will be passed around and donations given towards annual costs of the Peace Camp etc.
All welcome 🙂 

The giant CND Symbol is coming to Norwich!

Posted on | July 28, 2018 | No Comments

1oth August Chapelfield Park

detail here

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | July 1, 2018 | No Comments

All welcome. 

Why do we worship Creation Deities?

Posted on | June 12, 2018 | No Comments

12‎ ‎Jun at ‎02‎:‎46

On: Tue the 19th Jun, 2018 at 7:30 PM
Event: Why do we worship Creation Deities?
Organised by Norwich Interfaith Link
Venue: At the Martineau Hall, Colegate, Norwich

A talk by Lorna Smart
For further information please contact Chris on 01603 667314
or use the “contact” link on the website.
Click here for a map
There is a charge of £3 including refreshments.
All welcome.
(please note there is no parking at the venue)

On the Fringes of Empire

Posted on | June 6, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends,

Our talk on 15 June is entitled “On the Fringes of Empire: Life in the North-West Frontier Province in the Aftermath of the First World War” and will take place at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW.

The School of History at UEA is recognised as a leading Department in the UK and has a chronological range from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the present day, a geographical scope covering Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, North America and the Caribbean. Read more

Vigil for Preae

Posted on | May 26, 2018 | No Comments

You are all invited to the next Peace Vigil.
12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 2nd June 2018
outside Saint Peter Mancroft Church


Posted on | May 23, 2018 | No Comments

All welcome only £4







This s a Peace Camp supported event


Posted on | May 16, 2018 | No Comments

Ramadan has been announced beginning sundown Wednesday (Today)

may this holy month bring benefit to all

and be a step towards world peace also

United Nations International Day of Peace

Posted on | May 16, 2018 | No Comments


Posted on | May 11, 2018 | No Comments







Posted on | May 4, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends,
This is to remind you of the next UNA talk at 1pm on Friday 18th May in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW. The talk is entitled “A Fit of Absentmindedness? The Challenge of Brexit for British Foreign Policy” and will be given by Professor Thomas Otte from the School of History at UEA.

Professor Otte teaches Diplomatic, International and Military History and he has
been an adviser to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). He is a trustee of the Foreign Office Historical Collection, and is a member of the national executive committee of the British International History Group (BIHG). Read more

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | April 30, 2018 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

The next peace vigil will be at:

12 midday – 1pm on
Saturday 5th May 2018
outside St. Peter Mancroft Church.

Please bring leaflets & petitions concerning peace, pacifism and disarmament for the peace table.

We are also very keen to focus on Equality and Human Rights & within the context of peace.

Donald Trump Visit on 15th July – Norwich Stop the War will help organise a coach to London.

Syria – StW will have a weekly presence outside Tesco every Saturday.

The giant CND banner seen at many London rallies in the 1980s & 1990s will come to Norwich in August.

In love & Peace
Paul & Shan

The Peace Cycle

Posted on | March 24, 2018 | No Comments

The film documentary of the first ever International Peace Cycle
3,500 Km
from London to Jerusalem in 2004
with the maxim End the Cycle of Violence Join the Cycle of Peace
A unique and only second opportunity to see this film in Norwich
7-9pm Auditorium (below BBC) in Norwich Forum Thursday 19th April
afterwards Lesley Grahmae will speak briefly
about peace activism
and there will be questions and answers also
Addmission free
all welcome
donations gratefully received
come early for a prompt start because film lasts an hour and a half.
This is a Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle event

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | February 18, 2018 | No Comments


The next peace vigil will be held at

Midday – 1pm
Saturday 3rd March
meet outside Saint Peter Mancroft Church

Bring petitions, leaflets and love.

In peace.

(Vigils are held monthly at the same time and location).

Peaceful New Year

Posted on | December 22, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are warmly invited to the 1st peace vigil of the New Year.

12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 6th January 2018
St. Peter Mancroft Church.

Bring love.

In peace,
Paul & Shan

Spirit of Peace

Monthly vigil for peace

Posted on | November 23, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are warmly invited to the next Vigil for Peace:

12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 2nd December 2017
outside St. Peter Manroft Church

Please bring banners, petitions etc. Do try not to block the entrance or cover the church signs with banners.

In peace

Paul & Shan

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | October 27, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are warmly invited to attend the next monthly Vigil for Peace in Norwich City.

12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 4th November 2017
outside St. Peter Mancroft Church.

Please bring peace banners and petitions for peace.

The monthly peace vigils are organised with the full co-operation of Norfolk Constabulary, Norwich City Council, and with kind permission of St Peter Mancroft Church.

Followed by tea / coffee in Cafe Bar Marzano

Annual Palsup fundraiser and charity evening

Posted on | October 7, 2017 | No Comments

There are limited places for the Palestine Supper so go to the Greenhouse now and book your seats
View this email in your browser

Saturday 18th November, 6:30pm
at Cloverhill Village Hall, Bowthorpe NR5 9BN
An authentic Middle Eastern buffet supper will be prepared by the Neesa Project.
Guest Speaker:
Jan Chalmers is the Founder and Project Coordinator of the Palestine History Tapestry Project. She and her husband lived in Gaza for two years, working in UNRWA’s maternal and child health programme.  Between 2000 and 2012, she taught embroidery to South African village women, and supported them in creating a South African History Tapestry, which is now displayed permanently in the Parliament House in Cape Town.  This experience has proved invaluable in developing the Palestine History Tapestry Project.
Prices: £16 full price, £10 unwaged/Students
£6 children under 16
Only from The Greenhouse, 42-46 Bethel Street
Norwich, NR2 1NR
Buy now to avoid disappointment
Please note the new location in Bowthorpe. The village Hall has ample parking in the area and is served by Red Line 23 and 24A and Orange Line 21 and 22 buses. Read more

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | October 4, 2017 | Comments Off on Monthly Vigil for Peace

Friends. You are warmly invited to the next Vigil for Peace.
12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 7th October 2017
Outside St. Peter Mancroft Church.

The last vigil was held on 21st September to mark the UN International Day of Peace and was attended by 15-20 people representing peace groups in Norwich making their witness for peace.
The gathering was kindly addressed by David Walker, Sheriff of Norwich and local Quaker and pacifist Joy Croft.

Vigils for Peace are organised in co-operation with Norwich City Council, Norfolk Constabulary and St Peter Mancroft.

In Peace and love,

Paul and Shan

Vigil for the International Day of Peace

Posted on | September 13, 2017 | No Comments

Thursday 21st September 2017 is the UN International Day of Peace.
Kindly attended by David Walker, Sheriff of Norwich
11am – 12 midday
Vigil for Peace
Outside St Peter Mancroft Church

Stop Press

Posted on | September 8, 2017 | No Comments

Date for next year’s NPC&PC event determined God willing for Saturday 22nd September
one day after UN international Peace One Day day of Peace
all welcome to come along

With thanks Shan Barclay on behalf of NPC&PC ( Co-ordinator)

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | August 22, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are warmly invited to attend the next monthly Vigil for Peace in Norwich City centre.

12 midday – 1pm
outside St. Peter Mancroft Church (in front of the Norwich Forum building).

Please bring peace banners and petitions for peace.

The monthly peace vigils are organised by with the full co-operation of the St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norfolk Constabulary and Norwich City Council.

Followed by tea / coffee in Cafe Bar Marzano

exposed to peace

African Community Association (NACA)

Posted on | August 14, 2017 | No Comments

Dear All,

Your are cordially invited to join members and volunteers of the African Community Association (NACA) on Saturday 26 August 2017. 

Please share this invitation with all you contacts. 
It is an open air event which includes guided tour of the show plots to share ideas on vegetable growing and Integrated Crop Pest Management.

Guided tour starts at II:30 a.m. 

Free light refreshment is provided by the Association.

An African recipes food suitable for vegetarians prepared by volunteers will be available from 12:30 to 1:30 pm for small donation. 

More details are on the attached poster.

I look forward to meeting you on Saturday 26 August 2017.

Good Health and Much Success!

Posted on | August 1, 2017 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle Annual Event

Posted on | July 4, 2017 | No Comments

Welcome to the 12th annual NPC&PC event
15th July 9-4pm at the Forum
as usual there will be many organisations involved
Official opening by Sheriff of Norwich at 11am
Peace Cycle departs midday flagged off by Lady Sheriff

many stalls
activities for children
In this 100th anniversary of the end of WWl
we once again say
Peace is Achievable

Posted on | July 1, 2017 | No Comments

Monthly Peace Vigil JUly

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | June 26, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends.

You are all invited to the next vigil for peace.

12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 1st July 2017
outside St. Peter Mancroft Church
(Note that Vigils for Peace are held on the 1st Saturday of each month).

Please bring banners, flags and petitions that are in harmony with the spirit of peace, and do feel free to share this invitation with local peace workers and activists.

Paul and Shan

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle condemns all forms of terrorism

Posted on | June 7, 2017 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle condemns all forms of terrorism no matter how planned or executed.
Every human life is precious especially of those who are innocent.
We do not however think that war can be the solution or ever bring the wanton disregard for what is sacred to an end. Quite the opposite, it only exacerbates the cycle of violence and lends justification to what is unjustifiable.
Peace and Justice have to be established and a world economy not geared to violence but which benefits all equally not just the few. As a world community we have the means and resources to end war forever.

Ending the bombing

Posted on | May 25, 2017 | No Comments

Peace Camp agreed many years ago that the bombing and killing has to stop
The Peace Cycle maxim is
“End the Cycle of Violence, join the Cycle of Peace”
violence breeds violence, hatred breeds hatred
and bombing can never solve this or bring it to an end
The war machine has no regard for human life
and bombs are always indiscriminate
the outcome is that people die
and nothing whatever is resolved
Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle condemns all bombing
and all loss of civilian life
no matter how caused
there has to be agreement that this is not the way to rule or govern the world

and all the big powers have to accept this
as well as those who try to overcome them

How peace might be able to overcome war

Posted on | May 25, 2017 | No Comments

please consider watching this short trailer
it documents violence
but ends with a message of peace

“Ending the Legacy of Divide and Rule”.

Posted on | May 14, 2017 | No Comments

Dear Friends,
This is just a gentle reminder of the UNA LunchBox talk this coming Friday 19th May, at 1pm, in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane Norwich NR2 1EW.
The speaker is Karl Lam and he will talk about “Ending the Legacy of Divide and Rule”.
Karl has worked as a physicist and an engineer for thirty years and is now the Technical Director of Micro-Biotics Limited.  He stood for parliament as an independent in 1997, under the banner “Building a Fair Society”.
Karl’s talk should be very interesting and I hope you will be able to come along and hear it – at 1pm on Friday 19th May.
Kind Regards,
Marguerite  Finn
Vice Chair UNA (Norwich & District)

In the Shadow of Balfour

Posted on | May 14, 2017 | No Comments

In the Shadow of Balfour
On Wednesday 17th May 2017 at 7pm
Ben Jamal, Director of National PSC will be speaking at
Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Central Norwich
Ben  will discuss how the Balfour declaration set the frame for Palestinian dispossession in the Nakba of 1948 and what is required from the British government now to fulfil its moral and legal responsibilities towards the Palestinian people.
Balfour initiated a policy of British support for Israel which continues to this very day, to the detriment of the occupied Palestinians of the West Bank and the five million Palestinian refugees living largely in warrens of poverty around the Middle East, including Israeli-besieged Gaza. No pride there, then!



Posted on | May 11, 2017 | No Comments

, 12-1PM
Whatever we may think about the wisdom of ghting wars as an
answer to disagreements between nations, we must acknowledge
the courage of many who fought in them. Each November, on
Remembrance Sunday, ceremonies are held to honour that bravery.
It takes great courage too to refuse to ght if you are convinced that
war is wrong, knowing that you risk disgrace, imprisonment, even
execution. And so, every year since 1982, 15th May has marked
International Conscientious Objectors’’ Day – commemorating those
who have resisted and who continue to resist war, especially by
refusing military service. Read more

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | March 18, 2017 | No Comments

All welcome.
Monthly Vigil for Peace
12 midday – 1pm
Saturday 1st April 2017
outside St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich.

Come and stand with us for 10 mins or the whole hour. Bring love.

Good News to NACA members, volunteers and supporters.

Posted on | March 8, 2017 | No Comments

Good News to NACA members, volunteers and supporters.

This message is for the promotion of The Norfolk African Community Association (NACA) Work Programme in 2017.

The Norfolk African Community Association Allotment Group has gained funding from Norwich City Council Community grants to provide Horticultural Skills training to new volunteers. The theory and practical field work experience will be started on 18 March 2017 and is planned to run for the duration of 30 weeks,

The first social event for NACA members, the new volunteers and local supporters will take place on the same day, Saturday 18 March 2017 from 12 noon to 16:30 pm.

Venue: Bluebell South Allotments Site, Reference Plot 211 Read more

We Are Many

Posted on | February 24, 2017 | No Comments

We Are Many: acclaimed film telling story of
world’s largest ever protest will be screened
Wednesday 22nd

March 6.30pm
Lecture theatre 3
We Are Many tells the story of 15 February 2003, when
millions of people in cities and towns across the world
marched to say not in my name to the Iraq war. Featuring
many prominent figures who were there, and some of
those who marched in such huge numbers, the film is an
inspiring celebration of a day, Read more

Vigil for Peace

Posted on | January 30, 2017 | No Comments

All welcome.
Come along for ten minutes or the whole hour

Monthly Vigil for Peace

Posted on | November 25, 2016 | No Comments

All Welcome. Vigil for Peace 12 midday – 1pm Outside St Peter Mancroft, Norwich. Bring Love.

The logic of peace is greater than lesser poverties

A NPC&PC Trident Statement, please read !

Posted on | March 15, 2016 | No Comments

National serviceman in the early 1950s infantry learnt not to fire until “you can see the whites of their eyes”, and how to propel an anti-tank grenade from an old-fashioned rifle. Nothing about the atom bomb the UK was already testing, or “the bloody Union Jack” Ernest Bevin wanted on it. We were conscripts, called up by a country still in shock from so nearly losing a war, still numbly following the Roman Vegetius’s maxim “if you want peace, prepare for war”. Yet it was not altogether surprising our leaders thought then it needed a super weapon, not requiring us to get within 100 yards of a tank to knock it out. The surprise is that, 65 years later, we have lost sight of much of the dignity of military service, beneath the overwhelming inhumanity, hypocrisy and cost of Trident. Read more

Trident Nuclear Programme

Posted on | March 2, 2016 | No Comments

Trident Renewal? Have your say here! trident debate
Please copy and share this questionnaire with your friends

Peace One Day: United Nations International Day of Peace

Posted on | September 17, 2015 | No Comments

Hay Hill, Norwich
1pm- 2pm Monday 21st September


Posted on | July 28, 2015 | No Comments

Our new Facebook page can be found at:

Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 Years On

Posted on | July 26, 2015 | No Comments

Norwich Peace Camp are holding a Peace Vigil and Picnic on Sunday, 9th August, from 1- 2pm by the Peace Pillar in Chapelfield Gardens, to remember the horror and suffering of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 years ago.

Say NO to Trident Renewal.

All welcome.

Bil’in Photographic Exhibition

Posted on | December 11, 2014 | No Comments

Norwich Forum

Thursday 8th-Saturday 10th January 2015

Welcome to this remarkable photographic documentary of the ancient town of Bil’in in occupied West Bank

taken by the children of Bil’in themselves it chronicles daily life

in a place which has been repeatedly in the news owing to annexation and demolitions and expulsions to make way for illegal settlements

The exhibition is brought to us by Gwen Backwell (who herself has been to Bil’in)

from Liverpool with which it is twinned

In addition Gwen will be giving a talk and leading a discussion from 1pm Saturday in the Curve in the Forum

Palestinian style light food and refreshments will be available and Palestinian products will also be on sale

Where Should The Birds Fly

Posted on | October 22, 2014 | No Comments


The Israeli- Palestine conflict is normally presented in the western media through Israeli eyes, while Palestinian spokespeople are largely absent. Next Monday 27th October, 7pm, at the Forum in The Curve, Millennium Plain, Central Norwich there will be a free showing of the first film about Gaza made by Palestinians living the reality of Israel’s siege and blockade of this tiny enclave.

Where Should The Birds Fly is the story of two young women, survivors of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead – the horrific Israeli invasion and bombardment of Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009. Mona Samouni, now 12 years old and the filmmaker, Fida Qishta, now 27, represent the spirit and future of Palestinians.

The film is a visual documentation of the Goldstone Report, the result of the fact finding team set-up by the United Nations. But it is so much more.  It reveals the strength and hope, the humanity and humour that flourishes among the people of Gaza. Few films document so powerfully and personally the impact of modern warfare and sanctions on a civilian population.

All are welcome to attend. Admission is free. There will be a voluntary collection, the proceeds of which will go to assist the film-maker with the production costs of the film.

Frank Stone

Organised by Norwich Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Post Box 42-46 Bethel Street,


No glory, remember the real WWl

Posted on | October 22, 2014 | No Comments

No glory, remember the real WWl

an evening of poetry, film, theatre and art

Acclaimed poets Luke Wright & John William Brown

and by Lindsey German Convenor national Stop the War Coalition

In Fusion in Norwich Forum Millenium Plain

Saturday 8th November 6-9pm

Tickets in advance from the Greenhouse Bethel St only £8 £6 concessions

or phone 01603 631007

organised by Norwich STWC

Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle 9th annual event

Posted on | October 4, 2014 | No Comments

Next year’s event already booked for June 6th 2015  Same place same times

All welcome to come along to the 9th annual Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle event 2014

7th June 9am-4pm at Norwich Forum Millenium Plain

Official opening 11am by Lord Mayor of Norwich

Peace Cycle departs midday from Forum

Peace balloons, refreshments, Bike Doctor all day outside

Peace Garden in Fusion, peace tree

something for all ages

feel free to join in and engage in dialogue

your views and ideas will always be valued and respected

Vigil for peace, stop bombing Iraq and Syria

Posted on | September 26, 2014 | No Comments

Haymarket Norwich

Sunday September 28th

midday to 2pm

all welcome, bring placards and banners


Posted on | August 4, 2014 | No Comments




TICKETS £12 / £10 concession / £15 solidarity

(Our main aim is to fill the coach. Anyone who wants to go but is  concerned about the cost should speak to Rita.  If you cannot come please consider a donation)

Tickets can be purchased at Greenhouse, Bethel Street, Norwich or

call Rita on  01986 897082 or 07906093354

Organised by Norwich Stop the War Coalition

and Norwich Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Rally for Gaza

Posted on | July 29, 2014 | No Comments

11-1pm Saturday 2nd August at Haymarket Norwich

Calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the ongoing siege

Rights for Palestinians, rights for all

Information tables, placards, leaflets, speakers and petition

called by Norwich Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Norwich Stop the War Coalition

Feel welcome to visit, join and show solidarity with the people of Gaza and all people suffering abuse and loss of dignity

Massive demonstrations for Gaza

Posted on | July 27, 2014 | No Comments

With Operation Protective  Edge still in full swing and the Gazan death toll over 7oo with about 5,000 injured of them over 70% civilian, many women and children, even babies and pregnant mothers

5 mosques destroyed, 3 hospitals hit and also UN schools

There have to date been approximately 40 Israeli deaths, all except two being combat soldiers

NPC&PC demands an immediate ceasefire, and end to the siege of Gaza and a resumption of peace talks including ending the illegal occupation, settlement building and demolitions and a removal of the apartheid wall in order that a just and lasting peace can be established for all
There have been massive demonstrations in London, the US, Europe and even in Haifa and Tel Aviv calling for an end to the war on Gaza


Posted on | July 23, 2014 | No Comments


Assemble outside the Israeli embassy at midday (High Street Kensington, London)

For march to Parliament

Rally at Parliament Square at 2.30pm

Coach from Norwich leaves 8am from Theatre Royal

Tickets £12   £10 concessions  £15  supporters

available from Greenhouse Bethel Street

– See more at:

Rally for Gaza

Posted on | July 17, 2014 | No Comments

11-1pm Haymarket Norwich

Yet again Gaza is under attack

already over 200 Palestinians have been killed and over 1,500 injured, many very severely

of these many are women and children and at least 70% civilians

the Israeli onslaught is in revenge for the tragic killing of three youths

but this does not justify what is being done

those who killed the youths should be brought to justice

it is no excuse for this murderous collective punishment

please come to support this peaceful rally
There will also be a big march in London and in many cities around the world

Protest opposite the Israeli Embassy

Posted on | July 11, 2014 | No Comments

Stop the Bombing, Stop the Killing, Free Palestine!

Friday 11 July 2014
5.30pm to 7.30pm
High St Kensington, London

(nearest tube: High St Ken) For travel check:

Get involved:

Called by PSC, Friends of Al-Aqsa, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initative, Palestinian Forum in Britain

Also please continue to circulate the action here:
Urgent – tell your MP to take action

No to TTIP

Posted on | July 3, 2014 | No Comments

A lot, if you care about  democracy, public services, rights at work, environmental protection, food, water, transportSo please circulate to your networks

It’s a treaty written behind closed doors,  that would allow corporations to sue governments for legislation that threatened profits.

We’re organising a teach-in on TTIP on Saturday July 12th, as part of nation  action day on TTIP .

It’s 2-4 at Friends’ Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW
Speakers so far are  and Tom Lines, Professor Rhys Jenkins from UEA, Bill Adnams from Keep our NHS public.

If you can respond to a  ‘consultation’  that ends 6th July,  please do  – info from KONP – TTIP  – info below; for more info on TTIP, see the Norfolk Konp website:
The more people who respond to it, the more likely it is  to move from a token gesture to a show of public opinion that can’t be ignored –

Lots more from:
Lesley Grahame
Green Party Councillor
Thorpe Hamlet Ward

Tel 01603 632228
Mob 07711 29821

Refugee week 2014

Posted on | June 16, 2014 | No Comments

Please click on link for events programme

Refugee Week Events Booklet

No new wars, no to NATO

Posted on | June 12, 2014 | No Comments

Wednesday 25th June 7pm

the Forum (in the curve) millenium Plain Bethel St Norwich

Speaker John Rees

a founder member of Stop the War Coalition

John will review the current situation and outline the challenges faced

by the anti-war movement today

The public meeting will be followed by a short AGM

get more info phone Nick 07717504210 Frank  01493 664499

NPC&PC 2014

Posted on | June 11, 2014 | No Comments

Our 9th annual event went very successfully

many people came to visit, take part in discussion, learn and exchange views

although this is not primarily a fundraising occasion

we still managed to raise £165 for St Martins Housing Trust

Phoenix Mile Cross Children’s Project

and the Gaza Trauma Clinic

and also £175 from sale of Palestinian products

We wish to thank the Forum Trust for yet again hosting this event

The Civic Office and Mayor for his visit

and all the many people who came as well

braving the wet weather in the morning

The Atom Project

Posted on | January 24, 2014 | No Comments

The Atom Project (ENG) · Suggested Post
In the nuclear arms race every person on Earth comes in dead last. Sign the Petition Today

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World War One Centenary

Posted on | December 15, 2013 | No Comments

with the centenary of the commencement of WWl  upon us

and in recognition of those who want to take this as an excuse to celebrate nationalism and Britishness

the very things that got us into World Wars one and two

NPC&PC calls on people to remember the ‘War to end all wars’ otherwise

and to remember that those words were a binding promise

meaning never again…

End the War on Terror

Posted on | October 5, 2013 | No Comments

Monday 7th October marks the beginning of  ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ which was supposed to liberate Afghanistan

it has endured longer than WWl and WWll put together and brought no freedom
Quite the opposite it has brought death, destruction, misery and poverty to millions of Afghans, millions of whom are also refugess, even in their own country.

It has also resulted in many US and British servicemen’s deaths and injury

and achieved nothing good whatsoever at an astronomical price as well

All around the world people are calling for an end to this unjust war and all the wars enacted in the name of the War on terror

on this day please spare a thought for the Afghanis who were drawn into this through no fault of their own

Drones and the War on Terror

Posted on | October 5, 2013 | No Comments

Chantry Hall, Chantry Rd (back of the Assembly House near Chapelfield Mall)

Speaker Carol Turner, National Officer Stop the War Coalition

Tuesday 8th October 7pm admission free

more info  phone Lesley 07711 298214

Economics of Peace and War

Posted on | June 7, 2013 | No Comments

Afghan Peace Volunteers

Posted on | May 18, 2013 | No Comments

Please see this link:

Special Posting

Posted on | May 15, 2013 | No Comments

Please visit this link to learn more about ‘Drones’ and drone warfare

Wrongful detention and imprisonment of children

Posted on | December 22, 2012 | No Comments

The wrongful arrest and detention of Palestinian children has a long history and is contrary to all UN, EU, UK and international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

All children as we all know are protected by law and this right cannot and should not be taken away from them.

There is an online petition about this which you can visit and sign if you wish at:

also at:



Momentous Decision at UN

Posted on | December 1, 2012 | No Comments

On Wednesday 28th November 2012 the UN General Assembly voted by 134 in favour to 9 against with 41 abstensions to accept Palestine’s application for non-member observer status at to the UN.

This could be the first step after the declaration of a truce and ceasfire for Gaza to re-initiate  negotiations on the basis of full recognition of the rights of Palestine and all Palestinians and bring peace to Jerusalem and all the land around it for all people who wish to live there in peace as well.

Amnesty Vigil for Peace & Human Rights

Posted on | June 27, 2022 | No Comments

You are warmly invited to attend the next Vigil for Peace. Amnesty International will lead this vigil.
12 midday – 1pmVigil for Peace & Human RightsSt Peter Mancroft ChurchNorwich City Centre
Please bring ECHR related material, Ukrainian flags, petitions and love.

If you are in harmony with our vision for equality, peace and love, then do please attend.

In Peace.

keep looking »


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