Hiroshima Day

Posted on | August 4, 2020 | No Comments

75 year anniversary of atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima,  destructive power still multiplying

11.02 on Thursday 6th August Marks 75 years since the ‘never to be used’ atomic bomb devastated Hiroshima.CND invites you to commemorate the occasion safely with a socially distanced vigil at the Peace Memorialfrom 10.45 to 11.15 to mark the first atomic bomb drop at 11.02.   The Peace Memorial is behind the better known War Memorial,facing the Memorial Garden and market. There are also many online events for those unable to attend in person, listed on CNDUK website. This is part of Global  Peace Wave, first seen in 1987.The organisers of the World Conference have called for another Peace Wave this year, with the following statement:“Let us make the Peace Wave a tremendous campaign by which the anti-nuclear movements, in cooperation with all other movements demanding cuts in military expenditure, protection of human lives, livings and jobs, gender equality and other vital needs, will take the lead in establishing a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world.” 

 Local (Green Party) councillor Lesley Grahame said:    ‘The appropriate response to a massacre anywhere is ‘Never again’.  However since dropping the first atomic bomb 75 years ago, governments of all shades have instead been spending eye-watering sums of money to multiply their capacity for mass destruction.  Just replacing Trident is estimated to take £205 billion of our money away from vital services, while the NHS, local government, schools struggle to cope without sufficient funding, and food poverty leaves many worrying about the end of the week as well as the end of the world.’ Successive UK governments have claimed to support multi-lateral disarmament, but have refused to join the negotiations for multilateral disarmament enshrined in the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.In the latest release of the MoD’s major projects data, the Amber/Red rating given to the Core Production Capability project at Rolls-Royce in Derby has been justified on the basis that delays in reactor core production could slow down progress in building nuclear-armed Dreadnought submarines. This is the first time the MoD have officially acknowledged this risk, and in Norwich we might reasonably ask whether Sizewell performs a similar function in fuelling mass destruction, and putting local and not-so-local residents at risk.  Norwich City Council is among  hundreds of cities, local and regional bodies all around the world that have spoken out in support of the Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapans through the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons’  Cities Appeal.Britain has 200 nuclear weapons, 120 are ready to use, each one estimated to deliver 100 kilotons, compared with the 15 kilotons that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  

Sue Wright is taking up CND’s Origami Crane Challenge to create 75 origami cranes to raise money for CND. You can sponsor her by donating through https://cnduk.org/donate/ or by phoning 07508 778 357. She will be displaying these  raising a glass for peace at Pull’s Ferry on Riverside Walk (opposite the Yacht Station), on Sunday 9th August at 6pm. This is the anniversary of the United States’  second atomic bomb drop on Nagasaki. 

   Contact:  Lesley Grahame 07711 298214 Photo-opportunity  11am Thursday 6th August, Memorial Garden  Further information There are online events here:Hiroshima and Nagasaki CND exhibition: Events –https://www.icanw.org/region-europehttps://www.icanw.org/full_text_of_the_treatyMoD admits problems at Rolls-Royce could delay Dreadnought | Nuclear Information Service


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