Peace Cycle
The first ever Norwich Peace Cycle took place in August of 2006 when a group of cyclists rode through Norwich streets. Some continued to Cambridge led by Fares Hatoum who was to join the second International Peace Cycle which left London to go on through Europe and the Alps to Rome and later through Occupied Palestine to Jerusalem.
The first ever International Peace Cycle was in 2004 and connected people in this country and Europe with people living in the Middle East, passing through towns and cities en route raising awareness and calling for an end to the occupation of Palestine and inviting people to ‘End the Cycle of Violence, Join the Cycle for Peace’.
It later went through Occupied West Bank visiting towns, camps and communities and had the endorsement of many peace groups and organisations which support justice and human rights. There were further Peace Cycles in 2008 and 2009 and the organisation, which is apolitical, can be found at:
Inspired by this the Norwich Peace Cycle, which is a specifically local event, has continued each year to seek to raise the profile of peace in this city and around and combines with local charities and other local organisations in the belief that people’s welfare and the rights of citizens are essential for a city’s well-being also.
It is hoped that other towns and cities around this country might like to consider having similar events also.
The main focus of the event is a symbolic Peace Cycle around the old city walls or inner ring road including the Peace Memorial in Chapelfield Park and, in addition to involving local charities which address the needs of homeless, marginalised and people with disabilities, it also includes cycle campaigners and has official Green Party support.
Whilst it is primarily an awareness event, inviting people to take part in the Peace Cycle and learn more of the aims of the various organisations and what they do, it has also raised funds for the charites involved through its charity auction, allowed many people to send peace messages by balloon and offered local people the chance to involve themselves in making peace art, promote the cause of cycling in the city, have their bikes ‘health-checked’, and discover how commitment to peace and welfare hand in hand can contribute to the well-being of this city as a whole.
Anyone who wishes to take part in Norwich Peace Cycle 2013 should contact us in advance of 20th June