Norwich Peace Camp

and Peace Cycle

Public Meeting: Don’t Attack Iran

PUBLIC MEETING: DON’T ATTACK IRAN SPEAKERS:   JEREMY CORBYN MP  National Chair Stop the War Coalition IAN GIBSON  Former Norwich MP at THE CURVE in THE FORUM  Millennium Plain, Norwich  Thursday 19th January at 7.30pm All welcome – Voluntary collection The Iraq and Afghanistan wars proved unpopular, yet this year, Britain bombed Libya . Now the drums […]

Amnesty Monthly Open Meeting

Date: 21st December Time: 7.30pm Venue: Charing Cross Centre Address : 17-19 St John Maddermarket Norwich NR2 1DN

17th December, Green Fair

11 a.m -3 p.m.Chantry Hall, Chapelfield Plain Great stalls, music, food, great company. An event not to miss.! Admission is £1 and includes hot drink, under-12s free. Several of the member organisations of Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle will be present along with others

Climate Justice Weekend

Exhibition and more at The Greenhouse, 48 Bethel Street March in London COP 17 in DurbanRead all about it in Transition Norwich December 2011 bulletin! View all the articles online or click any of the links below for the specific stories MEETINGS AND EVENTS 1 Transition Circle West business . . . just not as […]

Action Aid Meet-up

Sunday 4th December, 3pm, Cinema City Bar St Andrew’s Street, Norwich, NR2 4AD Mark Lewin, an ActionAid supporter from Norwich, has organised an opportunity to meet-up with other local people to chat about ways to get more involved in campaigning on tax justice and biofuels. As you?ve taken action on these issues before, I thought you […]

Booklaunch, The Courageous State

Wednesday 7th, 3pm The Workshop, 53 Earlham Road A new economic story – The Courageous State A week after the general strike, the author of The Courageous State. Richard Murphy will be visiting Norwich to promote this timely book. He will be offering a sceptical accountant?s view of the economy, and signing copies at a […]

Robert Kett Memorial March

Occupy Norwich are holding a march starting at 5.30 pm 7th December from the camp at the Haymarket to the Gate House of Norwich Castle. The march is to commemorate Ketts Rebellion of 1549. Occupy Norwich will march from the camp to the gates of the Castle to lay a wreath in remembrance of one […]


Weds 7th, 7.30  IN THE CUBE AT THE FORUM, MILLENNIUM PLAIN, NORWICH We shall be showing this new film tracing ten years of the ‘war on terror’ and the lessons to be learned. Unfortunately this sequence of wars has not ended. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars proved unpopular, yet this year Britain bombed Libya and […]

Norwich Socialist Talk, General Strike

Norwich Socialist Group are delighted to let you know that we have Tim Knight Hughes, an expert historian with a passion for revolutionary ideas and action, coming to speak on “The General Strike 1926 and Today”.This will be an opportunity, one week after the biggest strike since 1926, for us to consider some of theimplications […]

Write for Rights

 Date: Saturday 10th December Time: 10.30-4.30 Venue: Norwich Playhouse Address : St Georges Street Norwich NR3 1AB Description: To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Amnesty International, Amnesty Groups around the world are organising‘Write for Rights’ events on 10th December, Human Rights Day. We will hold letter-writing events on behalf of ten particular victims of human […]

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