Vigil for Peace in Europe

Posted on | February 22, 2022 | No Comments

Here are the details for the next Vigil for Peace:
12 midday – 1pm, Saturday 5th March 2022 outside St. Peter Mancroft Church.

Press Release:

Given the recent and terrible events in Eastern Europe; the Russian invasion of Ukraine and NATOs unhelpful ‘muscle flexing’, Norwich Peace remain concerned for the welfare of the vulnerable civilian population – the men women and children of Ukraine and all victims of military conflict. Mindful of these concerns, Norwich Peace continue to serve as a collective witness for Peace, and hope for de-escalation and conflict resolution in Eastern Europe.

Norwich Peace will continue our monthly Vigils for Peace outside Saint Peter Mancroft Church, 12 midday – 1pm on the 1st Saturday of each month. Our Vigils are often attended by Amnesty International, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Women’s International League for Peace and Norwich Quakers.

The next Vigil for Peace will focus on Peace in Eastern Europe and will be held at 12 midday – 1pm Saturday 5th March 2022 outside SPM Church. The annual Norwich Peace Camp ( a peace and community event) will be held in the Forum on 8th October 2022.

In Peace,



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