Norwich Peace Camp

and Peace Cycle

The Roots and Future of Conflict over the River Jordan (1915-2015)

Dear Friends, Dr Mark Zeitoun from UEA will give a talk about “The Roots and Future of Conflict over the River Jordan (1915-2015). This is an extremely timely and useful talk as the Middle East is currently in turmoil. Vital resources are being denied to the Palestinians and refugees from war are pouring into Jordan, […]

Press Release 5 February 1300 hours

Action to oppose the replacement of the Trident Nuclear Submarines Norwich Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will be carrying sandwich boards through the Norwich Lanes on Saturday morning, 6 February, publicising the problem of the replacement of the submarines that carry Trident nuclear weapons. We shall invite people to join our coach on Saturday, 27 February, […]

Norfolk Congolese Association

Dear Friends, Happy New Year and best wishes for a more peaceful 2016. The United Nations Association (UNA) first talk of 2016 is on Friday 15th January at 1pm in the Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich NR2 1EW. The talk will be on the Norfolk Congolese Association and it will be given by […]


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