Press Release 5 February 1300 hours

Posted on | January 30, 2016 | No Comments

Action to oppose the replacement

of the Trident Nuclear Submarines

Norwich Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will be carrying sandwich boards through the Norwich Lanes on Saturday morning, 6 February, publicising the problem of the replacement of the submarines that carry Trident nuclear weapons. We shall invite people to join our coach on Saturday, 27 February, to the London march and rally to stop Trident.

Such replacement of the vessels carrying weapons of indiscriminate destruction would breach international law, which obliges us actively to get rid of nuclear weapons. It would take massive funds away from necessary projects such as homes, jobs and the NHS. Trident is a continuing mega-hazard, repeatedly involved in accidents, in poor security and in low naval morale. It is also an invitation to terrorism. Its use by us would be suicidal. Its continuing possession ensures resentment by other states and it provokes nuclear proliferation.

Photo opportunity Gentlemen’s Walk, 10 30 am, near the entrance to the Royal Arcade

Contact: Peter Lanyon on 01603 722898


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