Norwich Vigil for peace
Posted on | May 29, 2021 | No Comments
Find attached the latest poster for the Norwich Vigil for Peace. 12 midday – 12.30pm Saturday 5th June 2021.
Shan and I have negotiated, with St. Peter Mancroft, ‘permission’ to hold Peace Vigils on the 1st Saturday of each month, and in harmony with Norfolk Constabulary. Norfolk police have advised Norwich Peace to be covid-safe which means 30 people max wearing face masks and socially distanced.
Please feel free to bring along petitions, fliers and banners that communicate a spirit of peace & community love. If you are in harmony with our collective vison, do feel free to attend. Please note the primary focus of our monthly vigils are Peace (in the community).
Hope to see you all on the day.
Paul & Shan6 years of vigils outside St Peter Mancroft 🙂
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