Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle 2018

Posted on | September 3, 2018 | 2 Comments

Investing in Peace

Our event this year is on Saturday 22/9/2018
only one day after UN International Day of Peace , Peace One Day

as usual at Norwich Forum 9-4pm

Peace is priceless yet relatively costs very little and with immeasurable returns.

War achieves nothing and is vastly expensive

with no returns except bancruptcy, destruction, death, injury, orphans, refugees and injustice

the only ‘beneficiaries’ are arms manufacturers and traders

and these gain nothing either.

NPC&PC invites you to consider alternatives and a world without war as being the only realistic choice

and to invest in peace

someting we can all do

as opposed to

 mutual destruction.

your views and insights are invaluable

our event has something for all

no side wins a war

Peace is Achievable


2 Responses to “Norwich Peace Camp & Peace Cycle 2018”

  1. david welsh
    July 3rd, 2018 @ 1:29 pm

    Dear friends, I would to book a stall at the Peace Camp this year (2018) on September 22nd at the Forum in Norwich.
    NOR4NOR is campaigning for public ownership of the railways based on a plan for affordable and sustainable and integrated transport for all.
    Dave Welsh

  2. shan
    March 9th, 2019 @ 9:08 pm

    Dear David
    may peace be with you
    I remember meeting you last year and still haVe some of your litereature to return
    cannot promise you a stall at present
    Ilike your ideas but whatever you do has to come under umbrella of making peace not war

    at this stage people might not be able to make the connection with what you are trying to promote

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