Coalition Against the Cuts Demonstration

Posted on | December 15, 2010 | No Comments

On Saturday 4th December Norwich saw its largest public demonstration  for many years.

Organised by Coalition Against the Cuts, over a thousand local people including Trades Unionists, Firemen, Teachers, students, youth and community workers, public sector workers and disabled rights groups braved the cold to gather in Chapelfield Park, then march through the city peacefully and return to the park to hear a number of speakers. The police who are faced with heavy cuts also were pleasantly disposed as well.

The message was clear, not to sacrifice vital public services, jobs, welfare and people’s rights at a time of need and to make savings instead by ending the war on Afghanistan, scrapping Trident and addressing the main cause of the curent financial crisis eg the banks and the system of economics tied to them.

Photos of Demonstration    Click Here


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